Make an Appointment: [email protected] | 323-457-6737

  • Welcome

    Hello! My name is Sierra Leblanc and I am here to help. By being here, you’ve already taken the courageous step of seeking professional help for an issue you are experiencing.

    I am passionately committed to helping my clients realize their full individual potential, and I will tailor our sessions to your unique needs.

    “Most big transformations come about from the hundreds of tiny, almost imperceptible, steps we take along the way.” – Lori Gottlieb

    Climate Friendly Company

    Sierra Mountain Therapy is dedicated to providing compassionate mental health care with a focus on environmental responsibility. We embrace a climate-friendly mission by operating as a fully paperless practice and offsetting our carbon footprint. We understand the interconnectedness between mental and environmental wellness and strive to promote healing for both individuals and the planet.